Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #9-The Sandbox

I went and played in the wiki sandbox. Constructing my own wiki page was not a problem. What was a problem was finding the Home page and adding my link to the sandbox pages. I haven't quite figured it out yet. I guess that I will be able to go back and do that later. The wiki page was easy to create and I was able to save all my information on the wiki. I have a few questions about creating a classroom wiki. If I did one and let students go in and edit the page, how would it work? Do they all have to create an account so that they could join my wiki? Would they use the same usernames that they created for comments on my blog? I have a lot of questions about how the wiki would actually work for them.

My wiki page is located on the 23 things page. I uploaded some pictures that I found on a creative commons page that I found interesting for cause and effect. I will get with my technology facilitator about creating a wiki for my class.

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