Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thing #7a - RSS Reader

I have been checking my Google Reader frequently and I have found an abundance of articles, videos, links, hints, and useful information. It is time consuming to go back and read all the interesting entries, but I have found that the effort has paid off. Today I checked my reader and found an entry that had videos that every teacher should watch. I watched them and found that it was informative, inspirational and sometimes touching. I would recommend that you go and view them at Seven Videos All Teachers should watch. It will be worth the time. I also read a blog that gave me the top ten sites for creating videos. Another helpful posting was an article on how to download videos with another one about sizing videos when they are embedded. There are more and more sites available that explain/show you how to implement technology that will interest your students in your lessons. I am amazed at the speed that technology is moving. It is a challenge to keep up with the possibilities and then make use of them in reality. Time is the biggest factor for me. I don't have enough of it!

1 comment:

  1. My Reader is something I try to check everyday, but you get better and better at learning how to skim for feeds you want to read or delete. I always "star" the ones I want to come back to.
