Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thing #19 Voicethreads

I really like the way that Voicethreads give students the option of adding their pictures and comments to the slides. It will be interesting to see how the students respond to posting their comments about a book that they have read. Is it possible to have them post their comments, but have it remain private? Privacy issues are a main point in determining if something is appropriate for use in the classroom. We now send home a release form at the beginning of the school year to have the students and parents give permission for their artwork to be displayed on the internet. I was impressed with one voice thread about The Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning. The students gave their impressions of the book and what they thought of the characters and even mentioned how many books were in the series. It would be a good class project to do something like this in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Take a look at the K-12 section of Voicethread. It addresses the concerns you have for security with students.
